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More schemas(550+), better data accuracy and other major improvements!


Michael Salim


One Year Later, Stronger than ever

It has been quite a productive year for DbSchemaLibrary. Today, I’m excited to share some of the latest updates and improvements. Over the past few months, our team has been hard at work making the platform faster, more accurate, and easier to use. Here’s a look at what’s new and what’s coming soon.

A Massive Expansion of Schemas

One of our most significant achievements this year has been the massive expansion of schemas in our library. We’ve more than quadrupled the number of schemas available, reaching around 550 in total. Our goal is to reach 1,000 schemas by the end of June. The best part is that these schemas are synced daily to ensure everything is up to date. Whether you’re looking for industry-specific schemas or specific implementations, DbSchemaLibrary now offers a broader selection to support your projects.

Performance Enhancements and Accuracy Improvements

We’ve made significant strides in improving the overall performance of DbSchemaLibrary. Our platform now runs smoother than before. Accuracy has also been a key focus for us. For example, we identified and fixed an issue where some columns with custom data types were not displaying correctly.

Improved Readability and User Experience

Understanding your database schema should be straightforward and intuitive. That’s why we’ve made several enhancements to improve readability. For instance, our Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD) now show lines more clearly, especially when dealing with composite foreign keys. This improvement makes it easier to visualize relationships and understand the structure of your database at a glance.

Enhanced Filtering Options

To help you find exactly what you need, we’ve added more filtering options. You can now filter through database variants and check if a database contains any foreign keys. These filters make it simpler to locate the specific schemas you need for your projects.

Even more!

In addition to the improvements mentioned above, we have implemented several other updates to make the platform as effective as possible. For example, schemas with enums (e.g., in PostgreSQL schemas) now display a new tab dedicated to showing them.

For more, log in to the platform and start exploring!

Future Works

And we’re not stopping here. There are several exciting developments in the pipeline that I’m eager to share with you.

Browser-Based Database Testing

One of the most exciting features we’re working on is a platform that allows you to run any of our schemas (and yours too!) directly in your browser. This feature means you won’t need to set up and manage your own database instances just to test things out. It’s all about making your workflow smoother and more efficient.

Schema Validation Tool

We’re also developing a tool to validate your schemas against database best practices. This tool will help ensure your schemas are optimized and adhere to industry standards, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors and performance issues further down the road.

See you again soon!

As we celebrate this year in DbSchemaLibrary, we’re proud of the progress we’ve made and excited about the future. Our commitment to improving performance, accuracy, and usability remains steadfast, and we’re dedicated to providing you with the best tools and resources for your database needs. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Here’s to another year of growth and innovation!